Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How To Build A Wind Chime

Anyone can build a wind chime fairly easily.  A wind chime can be constructed out of various materials that can be found anywhere, such as metal pipes, seashells, rocks, or glass.  The easiest item to use is metal pipe, so that is what we will focus on.  The items needed to build a wind chime can be purchased at any place that sells hardware, hobby items, craft items, or home improvement stores.  Basic items needed are metal pipes, a support ring, a wood or metal object for the clapper, string, a drill, and a pipe cutter.

Steps To Build A Wind Chime

You should begin by cutting the length of the largest chime.  This will determine the lengths of the other chimes.  After cutting through the pipe with the pipe cutter, remove any sharp edges by filing the metal smooth or using the metal remover tool found on the back of many commercial pipe cutters.

The next step is to produce the sound you would like the chime to make.  Tap the chime near the base to hear the sound it produces.  If you like the tone, then there is nothing else to be done with this chime.  If you do not like the tone, gently shave increments of metal off of the bottom of the chime to change the tone.  The shorter the chime is, the higher tone it will produce.  This is the most time consuming step when you build a wind chime, particularly if you are trying to produce a specific sound.  Repeat steps one and two for each length of pipe you would like to turn into a chime.

The third step when you build a wind chime is to measure each chime about ¼ of the way down the length and drill holes in either side of the chime.  Make sure they are even as this is where the support strings will go.  Run the string either through all of the chimes or use a different length of string for each chime.  The second option is the best as it adds to the stability of the wind chime.  Ensure that either all of the tops or all of the bottoms of the chimes are aligned so that the entire wind chime will hang evenly once supported.    

Next, you will attach the individual chimes to the support ring for hanging.  The last step to build a wind chime is to hang whatever you have chosen to use as a clapper from a string from the support ring into the center of the chimes.  When the wind blows, the clapper will swing, striking the chimes and creating a beautiful sound.  Now you know how to build a wind chime.

Wind Chime Crafts That The Family Can Enjoy

Family vacations and the memories they create are priceless treasures for everyone.  However, it isn’t always easy to display the treasures gathered from those vacations.  Trying to find fun family crafting projects for preserving the family memories can often prove quite challenging.

Summer Fun Preserved In A Wind Chime Craft Using Sea Shells

Many families spend their summers at the ocean shore, playing in the waves and frolicking along the beach.  If this is something your family does for a summer vacation, odds are that you have collected quite a number of seashells over the years.

A creative wind chimes craft for seashells collected during a summer vacation is fun for the whole family to create.  Children love wind chimes, making a set of their own that can showcase the memories of a family vacation and their personal creative talents is a great summer activity that everyone will enjoy.

A Wind Chime Crafting Project Using Recycled Products From Around The House

Gather about 8-10 seashells of approximately the same size.  These sea shells will provide the ornamental appearance and the sound quality of your wind chime craft project so you want to make sure that the entire group of sea shells is pleasing in their color, size and shape.

In addition to using the collected seashells, you will need ribbon or some other type of string or yarn and a plastic coffee can lid to create your wind chime craft project.  Since the supply list is so small and so many of the supplies are found just laying around the house, creating this wind craft project is not an expensive venture and can often allow for each child to create their own wind chime craft project.

Once you have gathered all the supplies that you will need to create a wind chime craft project, you are set to begin the creation process.  Using white liquid glue, glue each of the seashells to a piece of ribbon.  When selecting the ribbon that you will use to hang your seashells, you can choose one color or you may choose to use a variety of colors to add a visual dimension to your wind chime craft project.  It is best to let the glue dry overnight, to insure that the sea shells stay attached to the wind chime once you are completed and it is hung up.

The next step is to punch holes into the plastic coffee can lid, large enough to push the ribbon, thread or yarn through but not so large that the ribbon pulls back through once you have tied a know to the end of it.  Make sure that the knot is held securely to prevent the seashells from dropping off of the coffee can lid.  If the children are quite young, it is often best if an adult punches the necessary holes in the coffee can lid to prevent any unnecessary injuries.

When you have tied all of the seashells to the plastic coffee can lid, add two additional holes to the lid, opposite from one another.  Push the final piece of ribbon in through the top lid and pull it up through the other side, making sure that the ribbon runs along the underside of the lid, tie the two ends together.  Your wind chime craft is now completed.  You can take the wind chime outside and hang it up for everyone to see, a perfect presentation of your family’s seashore vacation.

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